Kim, Cambridge
English Exam Manager

Cambridge English exams: Why a preparation course?

Kim Nguyen serves as a Cambridge exam manager overseeing over 1000 test takers per year at GLS Language School in Berlin Prenzlauer Berg.

(030) 780089 - 22 | cambridge(at)gls-campus(dot)de

How many of the Cambridge cEnglish exam andidates take a preparation course?

This varies from exam to exam. The Cambrodge B1 courses sometimes only have 4 participants, as many have already prepared in the advanced course at school. The courses for the Cambridge English C1 and C2 are usually fuller, and sometimes 10 people, the maximum number, sit in the course. 

Why take a preparation course at all?

The Cambridge exams are not easy, and there are parts of the exam that are difficult to practise on your own:

In the Speaking section of the exam, for example, it is not enough to be able to speak fluently - you are tested in a dialog situation with a second person, and you are also assessed on your communication skills, your ability to respond to a conversation partner in a dialog. 

What if you already speak English very well?

You can certainly pass the tests without a course, but a preparation course makes sense even if you have been in the USA or England for a long time.

After all, it's like a driving test: you drive well, but if you don't know the rules of a driving test, you may still fail.

A friend of mine, for example, needed the C2 certificate for a Master's program at the FU. She had spent a year in the USA as an exchange student and therefore didn't want to do a preparation course. She studied the relevant textbooks and passed the exam, but with a disappointing C grade.

What does that mean?

C means passed, but only just. There are always these 3 grades for the Cambridge English exams: A, B, C. The grade B is good, C is satisfactory and A is very good. If you get an A, you are certified to the next higher level. Assuming you take the C1 with an A, you will not be awarded the C1 level, but that of the next higher C2 certificate.

What level should I have for a preparation course?

You should already have the language level required for the respective exam at the start of the course. Although you will improve your current level, it is not about new vocabulary or grammar, but about preparing course participants specifically for the format of the respective exam.

There are 2 types of preparation courses: afternoon and evening - what is the difference?

The evening course is aimed at candidates who need comprehensive preparation, plan for the long term and want to combine the course with work. It therefore runs twice a week and starts at 7.00 pm. The afternoon course is for last-minute candidates who do not feel sufficiently prepared for the exam and want to catch up quickly. This course only lasts one week and is very intensive.  

What if you don't want a preparation course?

Then you should still prepare well by studying on your own. Practice tests and preparation materials are available in every major bookstore, sometimes also on the Internet or directly from the publishers.

Manuals with exam descriptions and sample materials can be downloaded free of charge HERE 


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