Business English in Berlin

Evening & intensive courses ("Bildungsurlaub")

All Business English courses provide training for the English that you need in a professional context, regardless of the industry in which you work: for meetings, telephone calls, presentations, small talk, at trade fairs abroad. The only exception is the Legal English course for lawyers. All teachers are native speakers. Please sign up no later than one week before the course starts.


Evening course Business English 


20 lessons of 45 minutes in 4 weeks (one evening per week, Thursdays)

1st course (4 weeks)2nd & 3rd coursefrom the 4. course
250 €240 €+ 230 € / course

*plus 30 € registration fee (one-off) and 20 € for teaching materials on all 4 courses
10% discount on the course price if you book 3 months or more at once

  • you can join a course on the first Thursday of every month
  • THU, 6.30 - 8.30 pm, duration 8 weeks
  • levels B2-C2
  • 5 to max. 14 students per class
  • placement: by online test plus 5 minute phone interview


Course description

The course is aimed at anyone who wants to improve their fluency in work-related communication skills. Speaking is at the forefront but the course will practice all four skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking as well as expanding vocabulary in general business areas. The exact content will change from month to month but each course focuses on the following core areas:

  • Talking about your job/current projects
  • Reading, listening and speaking activities related to current business topics based on articles, podcasts and TED talks
  • Meetings
  • Presentations
  • Business writing skills
  • Vocabulary building and grammar revision
  • Social English and small talk

There is some room for participants to influence the topics and the exact content of the course according to their own interests. For example, students can make a presentation on a business topic of their own choosing and, by using a framework approach, students can talk about topics that are related to their own areas of work. In addition, the teacher will carry out a needs’ analysis at the beginning of the course.

The teacher will work with a mixture of published, authentic and tailor-made material. All course materials are included and will be provided by the teacher.


Intensive courses Business English


The Intensive Business English course has 30 units of 45 minutes each and can be recognized as educational leave (Bildungsurluaub): more

Course timeBeginPrICE**
MON to FRI, 9 AM -
2.30 PM
1st MON of month*370 €

* except in June, July and August (no intensive English courses in summer)
** plus 30 € registration fee plus 20 € for teaching materials

  • Duration: 1 week
  • Start: every 2nd MON of the month
  • MON - FRI, 9 am - 2.30 pm
  • levels B2-C2
  • max. 10 students per group
  • accommodation at on-campus hotel possible


Individual lessons: Business English


Course times and content can be customized. Minimum booking 10 teaching units of 45 minutes

Prices per 45 minutes* 
online57 € 
GLS Language School
(face-to-face lessons)
60 € 

* Plus

  • 30 € for teaching materials
  • 30 € registration fee
  • travel costs from 6 € (depending on distance), if instructor meets you off-campus


  • 3 € less per lesson when booking 20+ lessons
  • 7€ less per lesson when booking 40 or more lessons

The above prices apply to general language lessons. For specialized one-to-one lessons and individual exam preparation courses, we charge an additional 5 euros per lesson (10 euros for the special field of law).


Private mini-group: Business English


Private mini-group = a language course to which you can bring up to 5 friends or colleagues. Course contents and times are freely selectable. Minimum booking: 10 lessons *a 45 minutes.

Prices per 45 minutes* 
online72 € 
GLS Language School
(face-to-face lessons)
75 € 

* Plus

  • 30 € for teaching materials
  • 30 € registration fee
  • travel costs from 6 € (depending on distance), if instructor meets you off-campus


  • 3 € less per lesson when booking 20+ lessons
  • 7€ less per lesson when booking 40 or more lessons


English for Business Communication


  • Price: 3.210 €, plus 30 € registration fee
  • 60 Unterrichtseinheiten im Einzelunterricht mit dem Schwerpunkt English for Business Communication (buchbar auf Niveau A2, B1/B2 und C1)
  • Termine nach Absprache, auf Wunsch auch an Ihrem Arbeitsplatz
  • Es werden alle vier Sprachfertigkeiten: Hören, Sprechen, Lesen und Schreiben gefördert. Berücksichtigt und trainiert werden hier insbesondere die für das Berufsleben typischen Fähigkeiten und Kommunikationssituationen, d.h. im Einzelnen: meetings, telephoning, small talk, business correspondence, presentations, negotiating
  • Das Curriculum bzw. genauere Unterrichtsinhalte schicken wir gern auf Anfrage zu
  • Lehrmittel inklusive
  • kann als Bildungsurlaub anerkannt werden (mehr dazu)

English for lawyers 

GLS has a lot of expertise in teaching legal English, the teachers have a legal background and, just as importantly, are qualified teachers of English as a Foreign Language.


Course Materials

We work with course books of Pearson, Hueber and Klett and we use our own tailor made course material.

Bildungsurlaub (eductional leave)

With 30 lessons per week you can do your language course as eductional work-leave (Bildungsurlaub) in Berlin - hotel accommodation is available on campus


The University of Cambridge in England awards globally recognized Business English Certificates (BEC) which certify proficiency in English for professionals after reaching the B1 Level. Corresponding certification exams may be taken at GLS (more). 

Business Courses - English

With Business English you can also work abroad in language schools which specialize in English language courses for professionals. GLS organizes Business English courses in the UK and Malta.
