Teachers at GLS Language School

... come from Canada, the USA, Argentinia, France, Japan, Russia: all of them are high quality teachers with a university degree. They are not only excellent teachers, but interesting conversation partners as well. We'd like to introduce some of them to you:

Thomas Linton unterrichtet Englisch

Aufgewachsen in: Surrey, Southeast England
Studium in: A degree in ‘German Studies’ from the UK and over 15 years of academic/general teaching experience in the UK, Poland, Latvia and Germany. I’m a certified IELTS speaking examiner.

1. If you had to describe yourself with 3 #s (hashtags), what would they be? 
# traveller #interested #European

2. What's your favorite word? 

3. Where in Berlin do people often meet you? 
I can often be found in the many delightful bars. If the weather is nice, I love going on a long run through the city’s many green spaces or for a summer swim in one of the gorgeous lakes. I think the accessibility of these is one of Berlin’s biggest selling points. 

4. What's your favorite travel destination? 
Everywhere interests me and I’ve travelled a lot, though increasingly I’ve focused more on Europe. So much diversity in such a small space

5. What are you passionate about? 
Travel, history/politics, running and meeting diverse interesting people.
