Teachers at GLS Language School

... come from Canada, the USA, Argentinia, France, Japan, Russia: all of them are high quality teachers with a university degree. They are not only excellent teachers, but interesting conversation partners as well. We'd like to introduce some of them to you:

Sean O'Byrne unterrichtet Englisch

Aufgewachsen in: Vancouver, Canada
Studium in: English and French literature

  1. Wenn Du Dich mit 3 #s beschreiben solltest, welche wären das?
    1) #friendly, #experienced, #open
  2. Was ist Dein Lieblingswort?
    My favourite word is "Why?"
  3. Wo in Berlin trifft man Dich oft?
  4. Was ist Dein Lieblingsreiseziel?
    southern Spain
  5. Wofür begeisterst Du Dich?
    sun, cooking, cycling