Teachers at GLS Language School

... come from Canada, the USA, Argentinia, France, Japan, Russia: all of them are high quality teachers with a university degree. They are not only excellent teachers, but interesting conversation partners as well. We'd like to introduce some of them to you:

Mark Berube unterrichtet Englisch

Aufgewachsen in: Vancouver
Studium in: Berlin. MA English Literature. Mark ist neben seiner Tätigkeit als Englischlehrer Musiker


Welche Sprachen sprechen Sie?

I speak English and French fluently and have a B1 level in German.

Warum unterrichten Sie gern?

I enjoy teaching because it is one way I can help people and it brings me into contact with people from very different walks of life. It becomes more a conversation in this sense, instead of a teacher-student relationship.

Haben Sie berufliche Erfahrung in anderen Bereichen?

I am a musician and I've released 5 albums in Canada and 2 of which have been released internationally. I tour all over Europe and Canada. On top of the artistic side of things, I'm very active in the business aspect of my career as well: I plan and coordinate the various press and booking agencies, as well as labels, that I work with in North American and Europe; manage the budgets for investments in new albums and tours; and do my best to create healthy working environments for the people I create and tour with.

Was hat Sie nach Berlin geführt?

Adventure and a Masters in Literature at Freie Universität.

Wo in Berlin trifft man Sie oft?

Grüner/Roter Salon, Hasenheide Park with my kids, SchwarzePumpe, Amerika-Gedenkbibliothek in Kreuzberg, FU in Dahlem Dorf.

Wo würden Sie gern für 1 Jahr leben?

Cape Town, South Africa.

Was ist Ihr englisches Lieblingswort?

