Teachers at GLS Language School

... come from Canada, the USA, Argentinia, France, Japan, Russia: all of them are high quality teachers with a university degree. They are not only excellent teachers, but interesting conversation partners as well. We'd like to introduce some of them to you:

Juan Bernal unterrichtet Spanisch

Aufgewachsen in:
Studium in: BA Social communications and Journalism, MA Producing Film and TV

  1. Wenn Du Dich mit 3 #s beschreiben solltest, welche wären das?
  2. Was ist Dein Lieblingswort?
    Treppenwitz (Deutsch) / Berraquera (courage in slang colombian Spanish) 
  3. Wo in Berlin trifft man Dich oft?
    Riding my bike and trying new food
  4. Was ist Dein Lieblingsreiseziel?
    A sunny place with water sports like Porto or Creta
  5. Wofür begeisterst Du Dich?
    I am passionate about finding practical ways to surf through difficult hurdles. 