Die Dozent:innen

... der GLS Sprachschule kommen aus Kanada, den USA, Argentinien, Frankreich, Japan ... Sie sind nicht nur hervorragende Lehrer, sondern auch interessante Gesprächspartner. Einige von ihnen möchten wir dir hier vorstellen:

Thomas Linton unterrichtet Englisch

Aufgewachsen in: Surrey, Southeast England
Studium in: A degree in ‘German Studies’ from the UK and over 15 years of academic/general teaching experience in the UK, Poland, Latvia and Germany. I’m a certified IELTS speaking examiner.

1. If you had to describe yourself with 3 #s (hashtags), what would they be? 
# traveller #interested #European

2. What's your favorite word? 

3. Where in Berlin do people often meet you? 
I can often be found in the many delightful bars. If the weather is nice, I love going on a long run through the city’s many green spaces or for a summer swim in one of the gorgeous lakes. I think the accessibility of these is one of Berlin’s biggest selling points. 

4. What's your favorite travel destination? 
Everywhere interests me and I’ve travelled a lot, though increasingly I’ve focused more on Europe. So much diversity in such a small space

5. What are you passionate about? 
Travel, history/politics, running and meeting diverse interesting people.
